The Ceremony to Raise Life on Earth to a Higher Reality

To Encourage Respect and Reverence for All Life on Earth
Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 9 AM Pacific*
*Tuesday, Dec. 31st at 6 PM (Replay)
Ceremonial hero image

Opening the Portal

27 Angelgod 'adjutants' of the 27 Angelic orders, are involved in opening a portal in the membrane between this reality and the higher one, and guiding the Earth through.

Alchemical Transmutation

To move to a reality with a higher frequency, denser material form has to be transmuted to a higher frequency. Transmutation is the gift of alchemy.

The Higher Frequency

Your body will be the first to enter the higher frequency, followed by the other races and species represented by the sigils in the powerstack.

The Sacred Process

Because of the complexity of moving the universe into a higher realm... This proxy ceremony performed by the higher race of gods among men, can only raise up those who have a certain degree of harmlessness.
Because the Earth is a proxy for all universal races and star systems, they will all eventually be pulled into a higher realm as well.

Join This Momentous Evolution

Join the Ceremony

This ceremony for the end of the year is at a whole new advanced level of mysticism and is the culmination of all the ceremonies that went before.